MAP Income Procedures

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MAP Income Procedures

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Things to Remember:

If the income document states the amount received will be for a lifetime, proof does not need to be dated within the last 30 days.

Self-employment income is calculated for 30 days, not 28 days (4 weeks). The start date for income counted is the day before the client’s appointment through the 30th day back. For example, if the client is here Wednesday, January 15 2020, the time frame to count is 12/16/2019-1/14/2020.

Employment income calculated includes income paid to the client the day of their appointment. For example, if a client is paid weekly on Fridays and their appointment is on Friday January 17,2020, we need to count that paycheck and the 3 before it: 12/27/2019, 1/3/2020 , 1/10/2020

If the client presents an employer statement or verification form, ask whether taxes are being withheld if there is no indication.   If no taxes are withheld, you will need to calculate the income using the self-employment calculation (30 days) and make a note that the client has stated that no taxes are withheld.  The client may self declare their own self-employment and complete either the Self Employment Form or they can self declare their income on an affidavit.

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